Hearing Our Voices: Wabanaki Research on “Disabilities”
In collaboration with Wabanaki Disability Network, Women of First Light was looking to hear from Wabanaki women about the gaps in support, challenges in mental and physical health related to their experiences with “disabilities.” During the months of May and June 2022, three online Talking Circles with a total of 9 participants, were recorded.
This report shares stories of struggles people have faced or known; reflections on things that are working and things that are not; dreaming about services that could most help. Exploring how Wabanaki people understand and speak on terms referring to “disabilities.”

Dream Walkers Vision: Travelling Teaching Tipi
Over 20 years ago, Lottie Mae Johnson had a vision of a beautiful tipi. She was take this tipi to different communities and with other elders and pass on traditional teachings, stories, crafts and Ceremonies. When Lottie became ill in the summer of 2022, she realized she needed to make this vision a reality. Too many elders had passed and too few are following Indigenous ways of being. She wants to take this tipi to gatherings, pow wows and to schools in Mi’Kmaq communities.
Women of First Light sought funding and were able to purchase a tipi for Lottie, plus limited funds for travel and food. The tipi was raised for the first time at a Youth/elder gathering at the Tatamagouche Centre. If you are interested traditional teachings shared in your community please email womenoffirstlight@gmail.com

This is from the project Walking with Our Sisters, Mt. St. Vincent University.