The Peaked Caps Project: Honouring MMIW
OUR Peaked Cap Workshops
* Millbrook, Halifax, Membertou, We'Koqma'q, sipeknekatik *
We gathered family members of MMIW (Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women) to learn how to make Peaked Hats to honour their loved ones...

Peaked Cap Workshop
* With Tayla Paul *

Peaked Cap Exhibition

In memory of my granddaughter Michelle Ginnish, Lentuk ji’j Kesalul T’us. Little Deer. Rose Marie Francis

In loving memory of
Cassidy Jean Bernard, taken too soon!
Gina Poulette, Mi’kmawi’skw, We’koqma’q

The Tia'm (moose) is my clan. The waving line is for water as, without it, there is no life. The Flower is for my Spirit name Mimajuaqan na wasuek – Centre Life of the flower By Marian Nicolas

Honouring all our sisters and brothers who were murdered or missing. Marilyn Francis, Mi’kmawi’skw, Acadia

Honouring my grandmother, Mary Kate (Herney) Michael, and her unborn child, who was murdered in 1936. Janey Michael, We’koqma’q

Msit Mijua’ji’j Kesite’tasit – EVERY CHILD IS CHERISHED . Margaret Pelletier for Annie Gould, We’koqma’q

This Peaked Cap is dedicated to the late Madeline Nora Bernard, who won the largest class-action suit in Canadian history for her Shubenacadie Indian Residential School Survivors. By her daughter Natalie MacLeod-Gloade

You will be in our hearts forever,
Cassidy, Mona Bernard, We’koqma’q

More Peaked Cap Pictures

Colouring Book
From the place of teachings, from where the sun rises, from the people of the dawn Wapna’kikewi’skwaq – Women of the First Light grew out of Righting Relations/Apajiwla’matulinej, a national network of adult educators and grassroots organizers working for social change.
Our purpose is to heal and empower Indigenous communities. As women are the strength of our communities, we start thereby working to change the story of Indigenous women from one of being a victim to one of resilience, power, hope and love.
From our hearts, we say Wela’liek to the family members who have shared this journey with us. Wela’liek to our supporters
Wela’liek to the NS Archives for permission to use their old photos Artists retain all copyrights to original art pieces and designs. Pieces cannot be reproduced beyond this publication or educational purposes without written permission
from the publisher and respective artist.

This initiative received generous support from: